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Products from Foma


Foma Bohemia spol. s r.o. (Ltd.) ist ein etablierter Hersteller der Fotoindustrie, dessen Geschichte bis in das Jahr 1921 zurückreicht. Seit der Gründung ist die Fertigung in der Tschechischen Republik ansässig.
Ursprünglich auf die Produktion fotografischer Platten und Entwicklungschemikalien spezialisiert, hat das Unternehmen sein Portfolio schnell erweitert. Bereits 10 Jahre nach Unternehmensgründung hat Foma mit der Fertigung von schwarzweiß Fotopapieren und Rollfilm begonnen. Über die Jahre hat das Unternehmen sein Produktportfolio kontinuierlich erweitert. Heute gliedert sich die Produktion in drei Kernbereiche. Schwarzweißfotografie, industrielle Röntgenfilme (NDT) und zahnmedizinische Röntgenfilme.
Aktuell umfasst das Filmsortiment panchromatisch sensibilisierte Schwarzweiß-Negativfilme mit einer Empfindlichkeit von 100, 200, 320 und 400 ISO. Die meisten Filme werden als 35mm Kleinbildfilm mit 24 und 36 Aufnahmen und als 120er Rollfilm, sowie als Planfilm hergestellt.
Mit der “Fomapan R Serie” hält Foma an der Herstellung von Schwarzweiß-Umkehrfilm fest.
Fomas umfangreiches Portfolio an Schwarzweiß-Fotopapier umfasst hauptsächlich Multigrade Papiere (MG) mit variablem Kontrast (VC) die sowohl auf PE- (RC) und barytiertem Träger (FB) gegossen werden. Die MG Papiere sind als Neutalton- und als Warmtonpapier sowie mit matter, seidenmatter und glänzender Oberfläche erhältlich.

Die gesamte Verarbeitungschemie wird von Foma selbst entwickelt und produziert. So wird gewährleistet, dass die Chemie perfekt auf die Qualität der eigenen Produkte abgestimmt ist.
Fomas umfangreiches Sortiment umfasst Film- und Papierentwickler, sowohl in flüssiger als auch in Pulverform sowie verschiedene Fixierer, Stoppbäder, flüssiger Fotoemulsion, Toner und weitere Hilfsmittel.

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Fomaspeed 311 RC glossy gradation normal (N) 7x9.5" (17.8x24cm) 10 sheets
Fomaspeed 311 RC glossy gradation normal (N)...
Fomaspeed RC photo paper with a fixed gradation, neutral tone and high sensitivity. Neutral to warm black photo paper on a resin-coated base. Fomaspeed is characterized by good contrast resolution in the highlights. The prints often...
Content 1 piece
Fomatone MG classic 132 FB warmtone matt 7x9.5" (17.8x24cm) 50 sheets
Fomatone MG classic 132 FB warmtone matt 7x9.5"...
Fomatone MG Classic FB is a variable contrast fiber-based paper with green-black image tone. The contrast can be controlled using color filters during exposure with results ranging from extra soft to ultra hard. Depending on the...
Content 1 piece
Fomatone MG classic 132 FB warmtone matt 12x16" (30.5x40.6cm) 10 sheets
Fomatone MG classic 132 FB warmtone matt 12x16"...
Fomatone MG Classic FB is a variable contrast fiber-based paper with green-black image tone. The contrast can be controlled using color filters during exposure with results ranging from extra soft to ultra hard. Depending on the...
Content 1 piece
Fomatone MG classic 131 FB warmtone glossy 9.5x12" (24x30.5cm) 50 sheets
Fomatone MG classic 131 FB warmtone glossy...
Fomatone MG Classic FB is a variable contrast fiber-based paper with green-black image tone. The contrast can be controlled using color filters during exposure with results ranging from extra soft to ultra hard. Depending on the...
Content 1 piece
Fomapan R 100 35mm 36 exposures
Fomapan R 100 35mm 36 exposures
Fomapan R 100 is a medium-speed panchromatic black and white reversal film with a nominal sensitivity of ISO 100/21°. Fomapan R 100 the film features a very fine grain, very good resolving power, high acutance and high gradation. The...
Content 1 piece
From €7.70
Fomatol Powder PW W24 warmtone paper developer for 1l
Fomatol Powder PW W24 warmtone paper developer...
Fomatol PW W24 is a traditional warm-tone paper developer based on metol-hydroquinone. The developer is specially adjusted to processing Fomatone papers in trays. For 1 liter of working solution.
€6.31 €7.89
Fomabrom 111 FB glossy gradation normal (N) 5x7" (12.7x17.8cm) 25 sheets
Fomabrom 111 FB glossy gradation normal (N)...
Neutral Black hard gradation paper with high sensitivity. This neutral black fiber-based paper with 180 g double weight base is strongly reminiscent of BN Universal and older Agfa papers. The sensitivity is relatively high and the image...
Content 1 piece
Fomabrom Variant 112 FB matt 16x20" (40.6x50.8cm) 10 sheets
Fomabrom Variant 112 FB matt 16x20"...
Neutral black, variable contrast fiber-based paper with a silver chlorobromide emulsion and high sensitivity, similar to Agfa MCC Baryt. This neutral black fiber-based paper with a 180 g double weight base is virtually identical to...
Content 1 piece
Fomabrom Variant 111 FB glossy wide role 108cm x 10m
Fomabrom Variant 111 FB glossy wide role 108cm...
Neutral black, variable contrast fiber-based paper with a silver chlorobromide emulsion and high sensitivity, similar to Agfa MCC Baryt. This neutral black fiber-based paper with a 180 g double weight base is virtually identical to...
Content 1 piece
Fomaspeed 312 RC matt gradation normal (N) 7x9.5" (17.8x24cm) 25 sheets
Fomaspeed 312 RC matt gradation normal (N)...
Fomaspeed RC photo paper with a fixed gradation, neutral tone and high sensitivity. Neutral to warm black photo paper on a resin-coated base. Fomaspeed is characterized by good contrast resolution in the highlights. The prints often...
Content 1 piece
Fomaspeed Variant 312 RC matt 16x20" (40.6x50.8cm) 10 sheets
Fomaspeed Variant 312 RC matt 16x20"...
Foma Fomaspeed Varint III/RC multi-contrast paper with neutral tone and high sensitivity. Foma provide this paper with a choice of glossy, matte or velvet surface. It is a neutral to warm black photo paper on a resin-coated base....
Content 1 piece
Foma Retro Special powder negative developer to make 1l
Foma Retro Special powder negative developer to...
Foma Retro Special is a two component Menthol-hydroquinone powder negative developer to make 1l working solution. This developer is particularly designed for the Foma Retropan 320 Soft , but it proofs its potential as well for other...
Content 0.119 Kilogramm (€56.64 / 1 Kilogramm)
From €6.74
Foma b&w processing set for 8 films
Shipping within the EU only!
Foma b&w processing set for 8 films
The Foma B&W slide kit is a reversal processing kit specifically designed for Fomapan R 100 and is sufficient for approx. 8 x 135-36, 2 x D8, 2 x DS8 and 1 x16 mm films. The kit contains: First Developer Bleacher Clearing Bath Second...
Content 1.5 Liter (€33.03 / 1 Liter)
From €49.54
Fomabrom Variant 111 FB glossy 16x20" (40.6x50.8cm) 10 sheets
Fomabrom Variant 111 FB glossy 16x20"...
Neutral black, variable contrast fiber-based paper with a silver chlorobromide emulsion and high sensitivity, similar to Agfa MCC Baryt. This neutral black fiber-based paper with a 180 g double weight base is virtually identical to...
Content 1 piece
Fomabrom Variant 111 FB glossy 8x10" (20.3x25.4cm) 100 sheets
Fomabrom Variant 111 FB glossy 8x10"...
Neutral black, variable contrast fiber-based paper with a silver chlorobromide emulsion and high sensitivity, similar to Agfa MCC Baryt. This neutral black fiber-based paper with a 180 g double weight base is virtually identical to...
Content 1 piece
Fomapan 100 sheet film 13x18cm 50 sheets
Fomapan 100 sheet film 13x18cm 50 sheets
Fomapan 100 Classic is a panchromatically sensitized black and white negative film. Fomapan 100 produces extremely fine grain and a very high resolution. The nominal sensitivity of Fomapan 100 Classic is ISO 100/21. Its exposure latitude...
Content 1 piece
From €66.98
Fomapan 200 35mm x 17m
Fomapan 200 35mm x 17m
Fomapan 200 Creative is a panchromatically sensitized black and white negative film. Fomapan 200 produces extremely fine grain with high resolution and an abundance of gray tones. The modern flat crystal technology gives Fomapan 200...
Content 1 piece
From €30.32
Fomapan 200 sheet film 9x12cm 50 sheets
Fomapan 200 sheet film 9x12cm 50 sheets
Fomapan 200 Creative is a panchromatically sensitized black and white negative film. Fomapan 200 produces extremely fine grain with high resolution and an abundance of gray tones. The modern flat crystal technology gives Fomapan 200...
Content 1 piece
From €39.32
Fomaspeed 312 RC matt gradation normal (N) 9.5x12" (24x30.5cm) 25 sheets
Fomaspeed 312 RC matt gradation normal (N)...
Fomaspeed RC photo paper with a fixed gradation, neutral tone and high sensitivity. Neutral to warm black photo paper on a resin-coated base. Fomaspeed is characterized by good contrast resolution in the highlights. The prints often...
Content 1 piece
€28.72 €35.90
Fomatone MG classic 132 FB warmtone matt 5x7" (12.7x17.8cm) 100 sheets
Fomatone MG classic 132 FB warmtone matt 5x7"...
Fomatone MG Classic FB is a variable contrast fiber-based paper with green-black image tone. The contrast can be controlled using color filters during exposure with results ranging from extra soft to ultra hard. Depending on the...
Content 1 piece
€59.20 €74.00
Fomatone MG classic 132 FB warmtone matt 20x24" (50x61cm) 10 sheets
Fomatone MG classic 132 FB warmtone matt 20x24"...
Fomatone MG Classic FB is a variable contrast fiber-based paper with green-black image tone. The contrast can be controlled using color filters during exposure with results ranging from extra soft to ultra hard. Depending on the...
Content 1 piece
€87.20 €109.00
Fomabrom Variant 111 FB glossy 5x7" (12.7x17.8cm) 100 sheets
Fomabrom Variant 111 FB glossy 5x7"...
Neutral black, variable contrast fiber-based paper with a silver chlorobromide emulsion and high sensitivity, similar to Agfa MCC Baryt. This neutral black fiber-based paper with a 180 g double weight base is virtually identical to...
Content 1 piece
Fomapan R 100 16mm x 30.5m (double normal 8)
Fomapan R 100 16mm x 30.5m (double normal 8)
Fomapan R 100 is a medium-speed panchromatic black and white reversal film with a nominal sensitivity of ISO 100/21°. Fomapan R 100 the film features a very fine grain, very good resolving power, high acutance and high gradation. The...
Content 1 piece
From €44.17
Fomabrom Variant 111 FB glossy wide role 108cm x 30m
Fomabrom Variant 111 FB glossy wide role 108cm...
Neutral black, variable contrast fiber-based paper with a silver chlorobromide emulsion and high sensitivity, similar to Agfa MCC Baryt. This neutral black fiber-based paper with a 180 g double weight base is virtually identical to...
Content 1 piece
Fomaspeed Variant 311 RC glossy wide role 108cm x 10m
Fomaspeed Variant 311 RC glossy wide role 108cm...
Foma Fomaspeed Varint III/RC multi-contrast paper with neutral tone and high sensitivity. Foma provide this paper with a choice of glossy, matte or velvet surface. It is a neutral to warm black photo paper on a resin-coated base....
Content 1 piece
Fomapan 400 sheet film 9x12cm 50 sheets
Fomapan 400 sheet film 9x12cm 50 sheets
Fomapan 400 Action is a panchromatically sensitized black and white negative film. Fomapan 400 produces extremely fine grain with a high resolution and an abundance of gray tones at high sensitivity. Its exposure latitude gives good...
Content 1 piece
From €39.37
Fomaspeed 312 RC matt gradation normal (N) 7x9.5" (17.8x24cm) 10 sheets
Fomaspeed 312 RC matt gradation normal (N)...
Fomaspeed RC photo paper with a fixed gradation, neutral tone and high sensitivity. Neutral to warm black photo paper on a resin-coated base. Fomaspeed is characterized by good contrast resolution in the highlights. The prints often...
Content 1 piece
Fomabrom 111 FB glossy gradation normal (N) 12x16" (30.5x40.6cm) 10 sheets
Fomabrom 111 FB glossy gradation normal (N)...
Neutral Black hard gradation paper with high sensitivity. This neutral black fiber-based paper with 180 g double weight base is strongly reminiscent of BN Universal and older Agfa papers. The sensitivity is relatively high and the image...
Content 1 piece
Fomatone MG Classic 132 FB warmtone matt 9.5x12" (24x30.5cm) 10 sheets
Fomatone MG Classic 132 FB warmtone matt...
Fomatone MG Classic FB is a variable contrast fiber-based paper with green-black image tone. The contrast can be controlled using color filters during exposure with results ranging from extra soft to ultra hard. Depending on the...
Content 1 piece
Fomabrom 111 FB glossy gradation normal (N) 7x9.5" (17.8x24cm) 10 sheets
Fomabrom 111 FB glossy gradation normal (N)...
Neutral Black hard gradation paper with high sensitivity. This neutral black fiber-based paper with 180 g double weight base is strongly reminiscent of BN Universal and older Agfa papers. The sensitivity is relatively high and the image...
Content 1 piece
Fomadon LQR 250ml
Fomadon LQR 250ml
Fomadon LQR is a fine grain developer for black and white films. Fomadon LQR is easy to use and powerful. The results are comparable with Kodak D-19.
Content 0.25 Liter (€22.16 / 1 Liter)
From €5.54
Fomaspeed 311 RC glossy gradation normal (N) 9.5x12" (24x30.5cm) 10 sheets
Fomaspeed 311 RC glossy gradation normal (N)...
Fomaspeed RC photo paper with a fixed gradation, neutral tone and high sensitivity. Neutral to warm black photo paper on a resin-coated base. Fomaspeed is characterized by good contrast resolution in the highlights. The prints often...
Content 1 piece
Fomaspeed Variant 311 RC glossy 16x20" (40.6x50.8cm) 10 sheets
Fomaspeed Variant 311 RC glossy 16x20"...
Foma Fomaspeed Varint III/RC multi-contrast paper with neutral tone and high sensitivity. Foma provide this paper with a choice of glossy, matte or velvet surface. It is a neutral to warm black photo paper on a resin-coated base....
Content 1 piece
Fomabrom 112 FB matt gradation hard (C) 20x24" (50.8x61cm) 10 sheets
Fomabrom 112 FB matt gradation hard (C) 20x24"...
Neutral Black hard gradation paper with high sensitivity. This neutral black fiber-based paper with 180 g double weight base is strongly reminiscent of BN Universal and older Agfa papers. The sensitivity is relatively high and the image...
Content 1 piece
Fomaspeed 312 RC matt gradation normal (N) 12x16" (30.5x40.6cm) 10 sheets
Fomaspeed 312 RC matt gradation normal (N)...
Fomaspeed RC photo paper with a fixed gradation, neutral tone and high sensitivity. Neutral to warm black photo paper on a resin-coated base. Fomaspeed is characterized by good contrast resolution in the highlights. The prints often...
Content 1 piece
Fomatone MG Classic 131 FB warmtone glossy 7x9.5" (17.8x24cm) 10 sheets
Fomatone MG Classic 131 FB warmtone glossy...
Fomatone MG Classic FB is a variable contrast fiber-based paper with green-black image tone. The contrast can be controlled using color filters during exposure with results ranging from extra soft to ultra hard. Depending on the...
Content 1 piece
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